Tuesday, May 20, 2014

4 Facts About Spiritual Development You Should Know

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Everyone thinks it's going to be so great with they develop themselves spiritually. They think they will feel balanced and experience a zen environment. It's exciting! You want to leave the chaotic nature of everyday life behind...

But it's not exactly zen, roses, and calmness. In fact it often shocks people when they don't like what they are feeling. Then they begin to think;

"This is a lot harder than it seems."
"Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Am I not doing this right?"
"There's obviously more to this that I'm not getting."
"Why is everyone being so mean?"

People are really caught off guard as they begin this journey, so I've put together a list. Here are four things you should know if and when you are trying to develop yourself spiritually.

4 Facts About Spiritual Development You Should Know

1) You will begin to be more sensitive to your environment or people around you. 

Why? Because as you shift you will become more in tune with your spiritual body. When that happens you will then begin to "feel" the energies that surround you and other energies that you come into contact with. 

2) You may not like what you "feel".

Imagine it like this: You've been walking around with shoes on your entire life and you've never gone barefoot before. Then all of the sudden you're asked to take off your shoes and socks and experience walking barefoot everywhere. Your feet will feel very "free" and good at first. But then you will notice your feet are very sensitive to things they come into contact with. Surfaces, air and the sun. When you walk on different types of ground like concrete, rocks, asphalt, grass, carpet, sand, some surfaces will feel soft and good, and others are hot and/or hurt! 

3) You will need to adjust your life, according to how energies affect you. 

You will find that many relationships in your life may be more toxic than you ever realized before. So you will have to make a choice. Choose their happiness (continue to please them and have them in your life) or choose yours (limit your time with them in order to keep and stay healthy). 

4) Others notice when you make a "shift" or become more "in tune" with your spiritual body, and many times they don't like it. 

When you develop spiritually, there are shifts that happen along this journey. People in your life can "feel" these shifts. If those people have good intentions and positive energy, they will be happy for you and say things like, "you seem different!" or "you look great!". If they have bad or negative energy or intentions, they will be mean, resentful, angry at you for no good reason. 

So if you are interested in spiritual development, or you are already beginning that journey, you do not want to miss the radio show that I'm doing on this very subject :)

 To Listen to the Podcast



  • Psychic Ability & Intuition Class (Online Class - Currently In Session). To be added to the wait list for the next session click here:  https://psychicabilityclass.com

2016 CLASSES: Coming Soon...

  • Spirit Communication Class
  • Empath Class
  • Healers Mastermind Class
  • If you missed this weeks #SpiritChat session (I do weekly live streaming #SpiritChats where I talk about things going on spiritually as well as have a Q&A session with my lovely group!) You can ask to be added to the private FB group HERE.
I hope you join me as I am super excited to be offering some really valuable information. If you want to make sure you are on the email list for future classes you can email at jennifer@keystothespiritworld.com if you have any questions!
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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Negative Entities & Addiction

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I got another great question from a Soul Mate Circle member:

"Hi Jennifer! I am curious to know more about negative entities that attach themselves to people weakened by addictions. What are they? What do they have to gain from this? How can this be distinguished from ordinary negativity associated with drug/alcohol abuse? What can be done about it? I'd love to hear your thoughts "

Well, there always have been and always will be light and dark energies and entities. The dark side always wants to take over the light side (imagine it like Star Wars, it's weird, but it's true). 

All dark energies will try and "recruit" light energies, and in order to do so they will prey on lower vibrations. They have a very precise agenda to become more powerful. Lower vibrations are people who are weakened by addictions, sad, or unhappy people.

Those people have what's called a weaker "spiritual immune system". So they have trouble fighting them off in the same way they would a cold if they had a weaker physical immune system.

So what do these people do about it? They need to learn to strengthen their spiritual immune system. There are several things they can do in order to do this:

1) By making a solid commitment to change their life, understanding that what they are doing now, it NOT working for them. 

They need to do what's called a "spiritual evaluation".

Spiritual Evaluation:
  • Start by asking yourself, what are the top three things that are causing me to be unhappy right at this moment? An then write them down.
  • "Redefine" what's on the list to become more spiritually aware. So in other words, there can't be a WHO on the list. You can't say my mother is making me unhappy because she criticizes me all of the time. You would have to "rewrite" and "redefine" your answer to, "My choice to continue to call my mother is making me unhappy."
 2) Stop denying themselves happiness. 

People do this all of the time and they make a hundred excuses why they can't choose something that makes them happy. If people spent half of the time figuring out how something was possible, instead of figuring out how things are not possible, they would have a totally different life.

Address the things on the list. If they've vowed to make a change, this is the first place they should start.

3) Be willing to "relearn" how the world actually works...energetically. 

The majority of people most people come into contact with join and bond together with what's called a poverty mindset. They have been taught to believe there's only one way the world works and it's through blood, sweat, and tears. HARD WORK! You must suffer as an adult as life is full of hard knocks!

This is so far from the truth it would shock most people. Life should be easier, and fun, but they must want to "discover" a different life than most people and be willing to redefine life as they know it.

4) Break free from others of lower vibration. 

In order to move forward in their life, they will need to let go of those around them who are of lower vibration. Why? Because no matter how "aware" you feel you are, 80% of the time you will "mirror" the vibration of those around you.

                 I will be doing a radio show on this Tuesday, May 27th @ 9:00am HST! 


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