Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Universal Laws Cover Reveal!

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Coming June 2013…



When it comes to working with the Law of Attraction, or manifesting your desires, there are many, so called “secrets”. When movies are produced or books are published on either of these two subjects some of the most important information is, well let’s just say… “missing.” You’re only provided with half of the information that you need.

Is it on purpose? Maybe, sometimes…
Is it on accident? Probably, most of the time…
Is it because they don’t know the entire truth themselves? Most likely…

You will never, ever, be able to fully understand how to manifest things into your life without understanding the how the ENTIRE manifestation process works.

And I want you to succeed!

In this book you will learn:

• How to “understand” Universal Laws.
• Why Universal Laws are important to manifesting your desires.
• What it “feels” like when working with Universal Laws and manifesting.
• Manifesting Exercises.
• Manifesting Meditation.
• 6 Common blocks to manifesting your desires.

I have taught thousands of people how to manifest their desires, and I have a huge success rate. And if you follow these things, I have no doubt in my mind that you too, will be successful!

However, this book is not for everyone!

Before you read this book:

• You must have an open mind.
• You must be willing to challenge your beliefs, and how you “think” the world currently works around you.
• You must also be okay with being different and “thinking” different then those who you choose to surround yourself with. And not worry that they will “make fun of your new perspective” or “think you’re crazy”.

If you’re willing to learn what’s in this book, then take this knowledge and integrate it into your everyday life, you will embark on the most rewarding journey of your life…


"I teach people how to become limitless..." ~ Jennifer O'Neill

Spiritual teacher and best selling author Jennifer O'Neill is devoted to helping others learn how to live a happier life. Through manifestation and her own psychic abilities, she helps others learn how to develop their own spiritual gifts through readings, classes and workshops. The focus of her writing and teaching is to simplify the process of using the spiritual tools and gifts you were born with in a way that fits into your everyday life.

She is the author of several books and has developed a virtual spiritual learning center called Keys to the Spirit World, where you can get find lot's of free articles, find books, listen to radio shows, as well as take classes and webinars.

Jennifer is also one of Hawaii's top psychics and the leading expert in the field of Soul DNA. She has spent the last twenty years as a professional psychic and spiritual teacher helping people all over the world learn how to develop themselves spiritually.

You can sign up for Jennifer's newsletter and be informed of future book releases, or just find more information on Jennifer's radio show, blog, books and workshops on her website or


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