Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What It Means To Raise Your Vibration

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Many people wish to raise their vibration, they hear about it all the time and think, "I want to feel that way! Count me in!" Which often leads them to the next logical step, to experience some type of major shift which entails at least one hour of mediation each night. This will surely will help them to raise their vibration. They...
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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Energy Wave Report: Empath Awareness

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                                               Energy Wave Report: EMPATH AWARENESS: There is an energy wave coming through right now that is causing some major anxiety for those who are "sensitive". So here are...
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Monday, October 17, 2016

The Truth About Astral Travel

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Have you ever experienced any of these things while sleeping or "dreaming"? Sleep paralysis. Bed shaking. Seeing dark silhouettes. Feeling like someone is on top of you? Well most likely you are finding yourself startled and trying to get back into your body while you are astral traveling. On todays show I will be discussing the...
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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Energy W.A.V.E Report™

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Energy Wave Report: I've been asked about this recently...this energy wave is kicking my butt... If you are sensitive you will most likely be experiencing some of these things (it started a few days ago): * TIRED - very, very tired. 😴 * Trouble focusing - feeling like you have brain fog or your mentally lagging. * Emotional...
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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Did Your Astrology Sign Change?

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Thanks to the media I’ve been getting this question daily, “Has my astrology sign changed?” People are very attached to their astrological signs, and why wouldn’t you be? You are born with it, you resonate with it, and for many of us it’s part of our identity! On todays show I will be discussing: Did your astrology sign change? Advanced...
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Sunday, October 2, 2016

ENROLLMENT IS NOW OPEN! (For only 13 days!)

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Intuition & Psychic Ability Class: http://www.psychicabilityclass.com 🌟 Mobile Friendly 🌟 SMARTPHONE Friendly 🌟 IPAD Ready 🌟 LOG IN From Anywhere 🌟 PDF Downloads (View on your mobile device!) 🌟 MP3 Downloads (Download to your mobile device!) 🌟 PERFECT FOR ON THE GO! HERE'S...
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Thursday, September 22, 2016

9 Common Fears About Psychic Development

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I asked a question to my Higher Purpose Learning group the other day. What were they afraid of when it comes to psychic development? And to my surprise, they had a lot of fears...Frankly, many of them I was actually shocked at! Afraid of what you might wonder? Many different things such as: Losing themselves...
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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Can Negative Entities Or Energies Harm Or Posses You?

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I was asked this question in the Higher Purpose Learning group the other day. It was a good question so I wanted to address it: "Can a person's soul be harmed or taken by an entity? It's something I've wondered about after reading a couple of books about ghost hunters who have experienced possession like experiences." Many people do...
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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

7 Signs Your Vibration Is Raising

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I want to talk about some common things you will experience when YOUR VIBRATION IS RAISING.  This is an important subject because many times people think there is something "physically" wrong with them and they get very frustrated when they go to the doctor and they don't find anything physically wrong with them. When you embark...
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Thursday, September 8, 2016

When Your Spiritual Body Awakens...

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So there is a new energy wave that's flowing through causing people to feel some of these things: *Anxious - about life, where they are at, where they are going. *Moody - feeling a roller coaster of emotions, very emotional. *Depressed - usually tied to feeling "stuck" or in limbo.*Frustrated - can't find their purpose. It's...
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