Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What It Means To Raise Your Vibration

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Many people wish to raise their vibration, they hear about it all the time and think, "I want to feel that way! Count me in!" Which often leads them to the next logical step, to experience some type of major shift which entails at least one hour of mediation each night. This will surely will help them to raise their vibration. They try it, they fail, they get frustrated, they quit. Here's the thing, you need to be able to understand it, before you can do it, and many people do not understand it.

So what does it really even mean to raise your vibration?  Raising your vibration is raising your energetic frequency to a state which is closer to the spiritual realm where you have access to connect in with the universe in a way that you've never thought of before.

When you raise your vibration you are moving closer to your natural state of existence. It feels good, you feel more "enlightened" because you have access to more knowledge which is available to you. So how do you do that? It's actually simpler than you think...

Join me for todays show as I discuss what it really means to raise your vibration.

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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Energy Wave Report: Empath Awareness

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                                               Energy Wave Report:
EMPATH AWARENESS: There is an energy wave coming through right now that is causing some major anxiety for those who are "sensitive". So here are some things this you might be experiencing with this energy wave:

*Tight chest or trouble breathing (related to anxiety)
*Panic attacks

Don't try and make any rash decisions right now. Relax and let this wave pass first. Don't let this wave get the best of you as far as causing anxiety based on future events. This wave will to pass, but you need to give it a few days. Distract yourself with things that make you feel calm, or that you enjoy. Leave the major problem solving until at least next week Tuesday...

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Monday, October 17, 2016

The Truth About Astral Travel

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Have you ever experienced any of these things while sleeping or "dreaming"?
  • Sleep paralysis.
  • Bed shaking.
  • Seeing dark silhouettes.
  • Feeling like someone is on top of you?
Well most likely you are finding yourself startled and trying to get back into your body while you are astral traveling. On todays show I will be discussing the 8 most common ways you can tell if you are astral traveling. As well as what is exactly happening when you are experiencing these things, what to do when it happens. Plus, I'm going to clear up a lot of "myths" about astral travel that people should be aware of...

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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Energy W.A.V.E Report™

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Energy Wave Report:

I've been asked about this recently...this energy wave is kicking my butt... If you are sensitive you will most likely be experiencing some of these things (it started a few days ago):

* TIRED - very, very tired. ðŸ˜´
* Trouble focusing - feeling like you have brain fog or your mentally lagging.
* Emotional and agitated - self explanatory.
* Burnt out - feeling like you are at your limit.
* Heaviness - the energy just feels heavy and thick.

What to do?

* Watch what your eating - I'm noticing it's making a HUGE difference. Eat as much fresh foods as possible it helps...
* Relax - don't try and push through. I won't work, it's break time. Believe me if anyone can push through it's me...and I've thrown in the towel until Monday!

PS I used to post these updates all the time, I call them energy wave reports. I will post them this way from now on when I feel one is needed. 

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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Did Your Astrology Sign Change?

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Thanks to the media I’ve been getting this question daily, “Has my astrology sign changed?” People are very attached to their astrological signs, and why wouldn’t you be? You are born with it, you resonate with it, and for many of us it’s part of our identity! On todays show I will be discussing:

  • Did your astrology sign change?
  • Advanced civilizations.
  • Different moon phases, such as the black moon.
  • Universal energy and how it affects you and your spiritual body.
  • Working with universal energy.
  • Understanding control and universal laws.
So if you are interested in astrology, and universal energy or universal law, as well as how it affects your psychic senses, this is a good show for you! Enjoy :)

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Sunday, October 2, 2016

ENROLLMENT IS NOW OPEN! (For only 13 days!)

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Intuition & Psychic Ability Class: http://www.psychicabilityclass.com
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Frankly, I'm tired of there being a shortage of spiritual mentors out there. I've been teaching students how to develop their psychic ability through classes (in person) for over 15 years. And over those years many things have changed...

There is a shortage of mentors out there who are willing to help others develop their psychic senses. And having a mentor is VERY IMPORTANT!

There are not very many people who are willing to teach either. They are either afraid to teach others how to develop and utilize their gifts (sometimes it's an ego thing, sometimes it's a competitive thing), or even if it's neither they simply don't want to take the time. Teaching and putting together classes takes A LOT of time!

This leaves a whole bunch of students who are LOST. They're eager to learn how to develop their gifts, with nowhere to go.
There is TOO MUCH bad information out there. Those who are willing to take the time to teach I find many times are giving incomplete or incorrect information.

The internet is upon us and eager students are coming from EVERYWHERE!

I get constant emails and social media questions from people asking me: Please teach an online class! Or it can be in person if you want to bring me to Hawaii! :) I miss your classes! I miss your teaching! I can't find anything out there...help!

Then there's always emails like:

I woke up terrified because there was a bad spirit in my room! It felt like it was sitting on my chest...the bed was shaking...I was so scared! What do I do? I try so hard and I can't see anything when I meditate. I've tried to contact my loved one everyday for two years...and nothing! Do I even have a spirit guide? I'm blocked. 

Not to mention the people who call me after having had a "bad reading" and are flipped out because they were told some totally inaccurate information...*Sigh*

So after a mini hiatus from teaching, I'm back! I'm going to be teaching in a BIG WAY! And this is just one of the many classes I will be offering...my goal?


I want to help others who are interested in psychic development, spirit communication, and those who wish to become healers! I want to mentor these students and teach them the proper way to develop. To guide other's in a way so that they learn how to use their ability not just for fun, but in a way that enhances their everyday life, and provide them with enough knowledge and information so that they can to steer clear of bad information (which can hinder advancement) or getting a bad reading (which can just scare the pants off you!) Not to mention it can be very discouraging and leave a bad taste in your mouth (and we don't want that to happen!)

I want you to learn!

I want to help you develop to the best of your ability.

I want you to have somewhere to go ask questions.

(Even after the class has ended).

I want to create a SPIRIT COMMUNITY that you are excited to be a part of!

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

9 Common Fears About Psychic Development

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I asked a question to my Higher Purpose Learning group the other day. What were they afraid of when it comes to psychic development? And to my surprise, they had a lot of fears...Frankly, many of them I was actually shocked at! Afraid of what you might wonder? Many different things such as:

  • Losing themselves (one of the top answers).
  • The unknown.
  • Negative spirits.
  • Failing.
The reason I asked this question is because I find it fascinating how many people do not even attempt to pursue psychic development (even if it interests them) because of fear. The problem with this is fear will create blocks, and blocks will hinder any kind of spiritual development. But even more importantly, I found that many of their fears were something they shouldn't be afraid of at all. So I decided to address the 9 most common fears that hold people back when it comes to developing their psychic senses. 

9 Common Fears About Psychic Development

1) Losing Yourself - This was one of the top fears and one I was really surprised at. People worrying that they will change somehow and no longer be themselves. The interesting thing here is you are not going to "become" someone who you do not like or who is not "familiar" to you... You are going to find a more enhanced version of yourself. One that you will be pleasantly surprised with and even recognize on a soul level, more like, "where have you been?". Developing psychically will never cause you loose a part of yourself that you do not wish to loose. Will you change? Yes, but it will feel nice. If it doesn't, you are needing some more guidance and knowledge in this area.

2) Judgment From Friends & Family - This was another one of the top fears. Being judged by others, family, friend, whoever. But this is a PERSONAL journey. One that is for you and you alone. I'd suggest not sharing this journey with others unless they are on the same journey or someone who you can have good conversations with about it. You can still develop to a very high level on your own. If and when you decide to tell people will they judge you? Yes. You will get skepticism from others, judgement, and even disbelief. But this is also okay. You don't need someones approval to move forward on a spiritual journey, it's a YOU thing, not a WE thing.

3) Being Wrong - 
Count on it, this will happen, and it's okay! This is how you learn how it feels when you are "in tune" and when you are not in tune. Especially in the beginning of your journey. You have a lot to learn, this is a marathon not a sprint. You need to learn a lot about translating messages, how it "feels" to be in tune, and practice, practice, practice. Once you develop so far, you will also need to have more training, or find a mentor, this is important if you want advance as far as you can.

4) Feeling Disappointed - Not trying being able to develop, or thinking you have abilities when you don't. If you are having trouble developing or feel "stuck" you need more training and this is where a class or a mentor can be "extremely" helpful. If you are interested in developing your abilities at all, you have some sort of ability nudging you along and trying to develop. The keys is figuring out what those abilities are so that you can properly develop. Again, this is helpful with guidance.

5) The Unknown - This again, comes with not enough knowledge. Movies have not help this fear, because when you "feel" energies and spirits many times this feeling is in your chest or behind you near your shoulder blades. And this feeling can be similar to what it feels like in anticipation of something, (for instance the feeling you get while watching a movie and your waiting for something to jump out at you), and naturally peoples mind will go to, "what's around the corner?" But knowledge will also help to eliminate this fear.

6) Hearing Voices - This is a valid fear as it's usually associated with someone being crazy or not right. However, when you hear voices, many times it's different than you think it will be. Most often it's in the inner ear, the same way you "recall" a conversation you've had in the past. Will this happen? Everyone has this happen already, the funny thing is, most people think it's their own inner voice...

7) Helping People - People do get concerned about helping others along their spiritual journey. Like I mentioned before, it's more important for you to develop to the best of your ability first, before you help others. Helping others will be quite a bit down the road. Lot's of people try and do this too early in their journey, and this doesn't do anyone any good. So start with yourself first.

8) Religion - Lot's of people who come from strict religious backgrounds have been taught that psychic development is the work of the devil, etc. This could not be further from the truth. When you develop your psychic senses you will find that you being to develop a very close relationship with the spirit realm, angels, your guide, god, or a higher power. It's all about being in touch with your spiritual body, and having a relationship with spiritual realm. 

9) Being Tested By Dark Ones - We are always being tested. It doesn't matter if we are developing our psychic senses or not, it's a fact. You may not even know it. Dark entities are always trying to bring your vibration down, and they are sneaky about it, but it's not the way you think. (I just did a post on this here: Can Negative Entities Or Energies Harm Or Posses You?However, when you learn to advance to a higher level, protection also raises and becomes more powerful. Again, it's all about knowledge and proper training.

I also did a radio show on this subject as well if you are interested in hearing more

You can find out more about classes HERE

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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Can Negative Entities Or Energies Harm Or Posses You?

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I was asked this question in the Higher Purpose Learning group the other day. It was a good question so I wanted to address it:

"Can a person's soul be harmed or taken by an entity? It's something I've wondered about after reading a couple of books about ghost hunters who have experienced possession like experiences."
Many people do wonder about this. I even had a woman who I spoke with the other day who was worried about this very thing happening to her child who is beginning to see spirits. All because of a movie she watched long ago. Are you one of these people? Do you ever find yourself wondering:
  • Can a spirit harm me?
  • Can a spirit possess me if I learn to develop my psychic senses or abilities?
  • Are children more susceptible to possession?
  • What if there is spirit activity in my house?
Thanks to the movie industry this worry has so many people freaked out that they shut down their own psychic senses immediately for fear of what might happen to them, or fear of what they might be susceptible to. They worry about what they might experience if they open themselves up to the spirit world. Especially if they experience any spirit activity around their house or their being. If you are one of these people this is a good show for you! I will be discussing if and when this can happen, as well as what you really should watch for...

People really responded well to this show, I got a lot of good feedback! Here are just a few of the comments:

These are from the Higher Purpose Learning group, which if you are not a part of you can certainly ask to join! I'd LOVE to see you all there. It's growing by leaps and bounds and everyone is loving the support of others so much...

P.S. The Psychic Ability Class will be opening VERY SOON! Please watch for that if you are interested because I only offer that class 4 times a year...

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

7 Signs Your Vibration Is Raising

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I want to talk about some common things you will experience when YOUR VIBRATION IS RAISING. 

This is an important subject because many times people think there is something "physically" wrong with them and they get very frustrated when they go to the doctor and they don't find anything physically wrong with them.

When you embark on a spiritual journey, this will lead you to become more "familiar" with your spiritual body (regardless if you are making a conscious effort to do so or not). You will begin to "feel" it. And when this happens, your psychic senses will also become more sensitive (this happens naturally). The combination of the two will begin the process of RAISING YOUR VIBRATION.

What does that mean? It means your physical and spiritual bodies are primarily made of energy, and as energetic beings your bodies will "vibrate" emitting a frequency. When spiritual development occurs you will begin to vibrate at a much higher frequency. The higher the frequency, the easier it is to access information in the spiritual realm. (The spiritual realm's frequency is very high which is why some people can not seem to access it, their frequency is too low).

Imagine it like trying to see your tv in HD if you have an older tv. You can not access HD channels, because they are on a different frequency and the ability to capture that frequency is not in place. When your vibration begins to raise, many people will begin to experience things they've never experienced before, so they panic, and run to the doctor. (You should always see a doctor of course for any medical symptoms), But if you leave the office confused as your doctor has no idea what's happening, this might very well be the cause.


1) Ringing in your ears - This is very, very common. You can actually "hear" your vibration in some instances. You may experience a ringing in one ear or both ears. This can last in spurts such as days, or weeks, or can last months or even years. The first time I shifted it lasted two years for me, now with each shift it's more temporary.

2) Feeling dizzy - Another super common feeling as you begin to adjust to your spiritual body and all of the new energies you are now being able to detect and/or pick up on.

3) Burning hotspots/prickly feeling on your skin - Again, your bodies are "rewiring" themselves to handle a higher frequency. It's like trying to run 220 electricity through a 110 power cord, it will overload the system. So your bodies need to adjust to handle the higher frequency.

4) Lethargic - Feeling drained, tired, lethargic are all signs. Energy is more easily drawn or borrowed from your system, by other people when you are spiritually developing. Your physical body when you are working primarily with that body is grounded and very protected from other people energetic system, however, when you learn to use your spiritual body, you also need to "relearn" new forms of protection. In other words, how to keep all of your energy in tact.

5) Feeling "out of body" - Again, this is when you begin to primarily use your spiritual body. (Keep in mind, this can occur without you consciously doing so, it just happens sometimes). You will feel out of body or "detached" if you don't learn how to find balance between both bodies.

6) Sensation in the back of neck/shoulder blades - Like a gapping hole or a tingling sensation. Your chakras naturally begin to open like a flower, and sometimes they "stick" open, leaving you with a weird sensation in the back of your neck or shoulder blades.

7) Burning ears - This happens mainly with those who have the ability to channel. If you've had this happen, you most likely have this ability. Your ears will start to tingle and/or heat up. Visibly and very HOT to the touch. When I channel I can get so hot and red from raising my vibration, that it actually freaks people out LOL! However, I become very relaxed when that happens.
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Thursday, September 8, 2016

When Your Spiritual Body Awakens...

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So there is a new energy wave that's flowing through causing people to feel some of these things:

*Anxious - about life, where they are at, where they are going.
*Moody - feeling a roller coaster of emotions, very emotional.
*Depressed - usually tied to feeling "stuck" or in limbo.
*Frustrated - can't find their purpose.

It's hitting SENSITIVE people really hard right now. So here is what you need to do if you are one of those people:

1) Stop obsessing - this makes it worse. Whatever it is you are "focused" upon, you need to REDIRECT your energy into something else. This allows you to release any "blocked" energy related to that issue, and allow new energy to come in.

2) Shift your focus - to something, several things. You want to learn how to "distract" your thoughts. You can exercise, go to a movie, do something OUT OF YOUR NORMAL ROUTINE.

3) Don't put all your eggs in one basket - if it's money you are worried about, there are many other ways to make money. If it's a job you are worried about, there are lots of jobs out there...poke around and see what's out there. There are ALWAYS alternatives...FIND THEM.

4) Look outside of your bubble - there are so many things happening outside of your bubble...so many cool things. But you have to be open to "see what the Universe" has in store for you. You need to be open to throwing up your hands and say, "Bring into my life what you thing is best! I'm open to suggestions!" And then let go...let go of your idea of how you think things are SUPPOSED TO BE.

5) Let go and release the fear - release the picture in your mind of how bad things will be if you don't get XYZ or if things don't exactly happen like ABC. Understand there are MILLIONS of scenarios that work out in your favor in a way that will make your life amazing. And you have NO IDEA what those scenarios are...so let go...there are good things out there...many more than you could ever comprehend.

6) Understand, finding your purpose is a LIFETIME JOURNEY, not a quick task - you are here on earth, in this lifetime, to do MANY, MANY things. Not one thing. Not two things, but many things. It's the journey that's fantastic. It's constant. As you learn things, and do things, you will have been there done that. Then it will be time for more new things...

Release the old, welcome the new, and enjoy the now!

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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Mercury Retrograde...Does It Affect Everyone?

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Do Mercury Retrogrades really affect you? 

Do they affect the people around you? 

What if you are "sensitive" to energies...is it worse? 

These are some really great questions that I've gotten lately, people are wondering if they are more susceptible to planetary changes when they are developing themselves psychically. If you are one of those people you will enjoy todays show as I talk about that and more such as, the things that I do when I'm feeling off balance. My mental checklist is a go to for me, find out what's on that list!

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

10 Signs You've Found Your Soul Mate

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Love is something most everyone wants in his or her life, yet most people don’t completely understand what a spiritual connection it is. Sometimes this connect can reach way back into your past, and what I mean by past, it can reach as far back as many, many lifetimes ago. 

It’s not uncommon for people to find themselves experiencing a strong connection with someone who they’ve only just met. So much so in some instances that it can become addictive, or even paralyzing. Not in the physical sense, but in a spiritual aspect. 

Sometimes these connections develop into deeper relationships. If and when a deeper connection with another person is maintained for a period of time through dating, hookups, or even marriage, this intensity can grow. You may be developing a soul connection with another person for the very first time right now.

10 Signs You've Found Your Soul Mate

1) Your vibration matches. (Similarities)
  • You have things in common that you like and dislike.
  • You have similar personality traits and idiosyncrasy's.
  • You have some sort of comfortable routine together. Night time, dinner time, etc.
2) There's an unexplainable connection you can't put your finger on. (Gut feeling)
  • You feel very connected on a level that's not explainable, or overly obvious.
  • It "feels" different than other relationships in your life, but you don't know why.
3) You raise each other's vibration. (You raise each other up in a positive way)
  • You feel good around each other
  • You uplift one another in a positive way
4) Your relationship flows well. (Not toxic, mostly easy)
  • For the most part your relationship feels easy, positive,  and uplifting.
  • It doesn't feel heavy, difficult, or exhausting.
5) You have a bond people notice or don't quite understand. (Respect, love, friendship)
  • People around you notice your connection or make comments about it.
  • People around you wonder why you are always together.
  • You have a genuine respect for one another.
  • You have a deep friendship on top of having a romantic bond.
6) The chemistry is intense.
  • Sexual chemistry is intense.
  • Friendship chemistry is also very good.
7) You feel like you've known each other forever.
  • There was a closeness that existed before you got to know each other.
  • You were comfortable with each other very quickly after meeting.
  • You feel like there is a lot of history between you two, even if there is not.
8) You are "intuitive" to each others needs.
  • You can tell if something is wrong, even if they say things are fine.
  • You can "feel" if something is off with one another without talking.
  • You can sense if your partner needs extra love, attention, etc, without them asking.
9) You enhance each others lives.
  • You are better together than you are apart.
  • You encourage each other to be the best you can be as individuals.
  • You are supportive of one another without jealousy or moodiness.
  • You genuinely want to see each other thrive as an individual and it makes you feel fantastic when they do!
10) You have a calming affect on one another.
  • You feel "grounded" when in each other's presence.
  • When in stressful situations you can refocus one another to a more peaceful mindset.
  • You know how to keep each other's anxiety's and fears at a minimum.
Past Life Connection

If you feel that you have a very intense connection and you still can't put your finger on it (some of the things above are true, but your relationship tends to be more choatic), most likely you are experiencing a Past Life Connection. A Past Life Connection is when you've had one or more past lives with your significant other, usually a romantic relationship, but it can be any kind of relationship. In other words, you also knew each other in other lifetimes. If and when you are finding more of this type of connection:

  • Feels "intense" when you meet or shortly after meeting.
  • Feels very different than other "relationships" you've had in your life.
  • Your relationship tends to be chaotic in nature. 
  • Full of turmoil and many times angst.
  • Feels "addictive" without explaination.
  • Can leave you feeling "sick" or "drained" at random times during any interaction times.
You most certainly are experiencing a Past Life Connection. Having a Past Life Connection does not mean you are supposed to be together in this lifetime, they just mean you have a "spiritual past" together, which can help explain a lot. 

Rule of thumb: If it feels positive, great. If it feels not so positive, then maybe it's time to move on so that you can find your true Soul Mate...


  • Psychic Ability & Intuition Class (Online Class - Currently In Session). To be added to the wait list for the next session click here:  https://psychicabilityclass.com

2016 CLASSES: Coming Soon...

  • Spirit Communication Class
  • Empath Class
  • Healers Mastermind Class
  • If you missed this weeks #SpiritChat session (I do weekly live streaming #SpiritChats where I talk about things going on spiritually as well as have a Q&A session with my lovely group!) You can ask to be added to the private FB group HERE.
I hope you join me as I am super excited to be offering some really valuable information. If you want to make sure you are on the email list for future classes you can email at jennifer@keystothespiritworld.com if you have any questions!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

How To Keep A High Vibration During Stressful Times

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People are feeling the urge to raise their vibration and get in touch with a higher self more than ever before...This is so fantasic! But just when people are figuring out how to raise their vibration, the next thing they need to learn is how to keep it that way. This can be even more difficult than learning how to raise it in the first place. 
Lately, I've had many people come to me and ask, "How do I keep a high vibration with all of the stuff going on in the world?" While they were initially excited at learning how to raise their vibration, they felt a little confused and hopeless when it came to learning how to keep it raised. I thought, what a great question! It's actually easier than you'd think, but there's a bit of restructuring and awareness involved. So I decided to do a podcast on how to keep your vibration high during stressful times. Enjoy :)
Click to Listen!


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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How To Tell If You Are An Empath... #SpiritChat

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How to Tell If You Are An Empath #SpiritChat Episode #11

We've been having a ton of fun doing #SpiritChat sessions! So many good questions...If you are new and don't know what a #SpiritChat session is:
  • It's a live streaming Q&A session where I answer questions about all things spiritual.
  • I've been doing them about once a week on my FB page which you can findHERE  (I am at my friend limit but you can still "follow" me which allows you to ask questions).
  • Or in my Higher Purpose Learning FB group. (A private group devoted to helping people to raise their vibration through Higher Purpose Learning!) 
I do different #SpiritChats in both places. However, I did learn that I have a fairly large group of people who follow me who are not active on social media. So if you are one of those people I've decided to start posting them to YouTube so you could still enjoy them. Or simply click on the video below :)

P.S. If you enjoyed the video you might enjoy this blog post:
 6 Signs You Are An Empath

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Monday, June 20, 2016

3 Weird Things Are Happening...#DimensionalShift

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Lot's of weird things going on...Yep, it's not just you! There's a lot taking place right now with this dimensional shift I've been talking about and it's affecting us in 3 major ways.

1) People are feeling physically weird. (Of course always see your doctor if you feel you need to, but many people are not getting any physical explanations from the doctor). So if you have no other explanation, these things are common right now.

  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Don't feel quite, right. Can't put your finger on it.
  • Constricted chest feeling. Across the body from arm to arm.
  • Nose bleeds.
  • Emotions are running at high intensity. Depression, high and low emotions.
  • Insomnia. People are not sleeping well at all. 
2) Health issues are intensifying. 

  • Existing health issues are getting worse.
  • People who are healing are healing faster.
3) Pets are having major issues. 
  • Pet health is being affected and it's at an all time high. Allergies, rashes, etc.
  • Older pets health are declining rapidly.

With this dimensional shift, all energies on the planet are being affected. Our spiritual bodies are being forced to adjust in a major way....

Before this shift the majority of people could feel their physical bodies as their "primary body". But this shift is forcing our spiritual bodies to be more present. So this is no longer the case. This is causing confusion and it's hard for people to tell what they are experiencing. Where is this feeling coming from? Is it physical? Is it spiritual?

So they don't know what to do...

This shift is a permanent shift. It's not a passing wave of energy, like before, it's a dimensional shift. The two are very different. I've been talking about this in my Higher Purpose Learning FB group, with my live streaming #SpiritChat sessions. I did an impromptu one today. If you missed it you might want to check it out.

So timing couldn't be better for my NEW Intuition & Psychic Ability Class! I've finally got the class together and I will not only be teaching some basic and advanced techniques, but I will always keep my students informed of what's currently happening on an energetic level. This is super important while developing your skills. It's good to be aware as it helps you to stay grounded and learn how to be aware of both your physical and spiritual bodies.

I hope you join me as I am super excited to be offering some really valuable information. You can email me at jennifer@keystothespiritworld.com if you have any questions!

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

How Spiritual Health Affects Your Physical Health

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Did you know that your spiritual body and your spiritual health mirror your physical health? In fact, your spirtual health plays a very significant role when dealing with your physical health and how healthy you actually ar. Stressors of everyday life such as, doing things you hate doing on a daily basis, anger, frustration, these things all take a tool on your spritual body first. That's the good thing. Because this is the perfect time to address and define "stressors" in your life before they become a bigger problem. A problem that will take a tolll on both bodies. The bad new is if these "stressors" are not addressed and contiuisly ignored, the toll it takes on your spiritual body will then be transfered to your physical body and manifest into physical symptoms such as:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Breathing Issues
  • Stomache Issues
  • Heart Issues
That's just to name a few. Why does this happen? Because this is when people pay attention! This is your bodies last ditch effort to get you to pay attention to what you are doing to yourself spiritually on a soul level. If you are interested in learning more about how your spiritual health affects your physical health, tune in to today's show.


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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Do Pets Go To Heaven?

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Do you ever wonder if your pets go to heaven? Well many people do and there's been an increased interest from pet owners pertaining to animal spirits, and questions about their own pet’s spirituality lately.

Animal Spirits are in full force right now and their energy is radiating from the other side like something I've never seen before. Along with this heightening of animal energy there has been a sudden surge in interest from pet owners about their pets own spirituality. They are asking a lot of questions about things such as:

·      When they cross over are they met by anyone?
·      Do animals have spirit guides?
·      Do they have angels?
·      Do animals reincarnate?
·      Can animals reincarnate as humans?

So I’ve decided to do a radio show answering many of these questions as discussing spirit communication with animals. If you any questions regarding animal spirituality and your pets, this is will be a fascinating show!


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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Are you interested in Spiritual Health, Wellness & Healthy Eating?

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Are you interested in Spiritual Health, 
Wellness & Healthy Eating?
  All things Spiritual? 

Such As:
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Chakras
  • Psychic Ability
  • Spirit Communication
  • Angels
  • Healthy Eating
  • Natural Remedies
  • Universal Laws
  • Mediumship
Well lots of people are but there is no good resource to find this information and there is SO much information! This is what prompted me to start BookChakra.com and easy way to get FREE & Deeply Discounted info sent to you directly every week, no searching, no hassle, no time wasted!

Many people just don't have the time but still want to find an easy way to healthier living and still learn and grow spiritually!

If you are not on our newsletter list and you want to start receiving 5+ FREE and Deeply Discounted Ebooks sent directly to your inbox twice a week! Click below and sign up!

If you have a spiritual book you'd like to promote you can click HERE.
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Saturday, February 6, 2016

5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Meditating

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5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Meditating

(Podcast) I have been asked a lot of questions about meditation over the past few years. As people are feeling the urge to raise their vibration and get in touch with a higher self, they turn to medititation. However, there is so much information on the subject of meditation and so many things that tend to contridict one another, that they are left with a lot of confusion. Not to mention those who have been mediating for years who are not seeing the results they desire. So I decided to do a show and help clear up a lot of this confusion. Today I am going to be discussing the 5 biggest mistakes and misconceptions people make when meditating. Whether you are new to meditation or you've been doing it for years, this is a show you don't want to miss!



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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

5 Tips To Breaking Old Energetic Habits & Patterns

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5 Tips To Breaking Old Energetic Habits & Patterns

Well it's a new year and with the new year usually comes some type of New Years Resolution. Followed by the let down of what happens when those resolutions fall to the way side and the same life patterns emerge.


Your smart enough, and strong enough, and many times committed enough. So why does this happen to you over and over again? It's simple. You can't change the future if you hold onto the past...energetically.


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