Thursday, December 12, 2013

Insecurities...We All Have Them!

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Hi everyone! Here's an impromptu last Soul Mate Circle™ Q&A video prompted me to do this video discussing "insecurities". (To learn more about Soul Mate Circle™ click the link at the bottom!)

Insecurities usually stem from pushing yourself out of your comfort zone...

We all have them, but it's important to face them until you are comfortable, in order to eliminate them. Confession time...what insecurities do you have that you feel holds you back, or that no one else knows about?

To learn more about Soul Mate Circle™ click HERE!
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Monday, December 9, 2013

Meditation... Why You Need To Do It!

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What is meditation? Meditation is a practice of sitting quietly, while regulating your breath using intone mantras or visualization in attempts to harmonize your mind, body, and soul. Why is this important?

1) Cleaning The Clutter - Meditation is really effective in clearing out mind clutter as well as energetic clutter. It is equally important to maintaining your physical and spiritual health to keep your mind and your energetic field as clutter free as possible. It's like knocking out two birds with one stone, so to speak, on a spiritual and physical level.

2) Physical Health - Meditation has also been linked to lowering blood pressure, helping with anxiety and depression just to name a few. It's affective in slowing your heart rate and calming your mind.

3) Spiritual Health - You clean your house, take showers, eat right, and maintain your physical health by getting the proper rest, etcetera. Well, it is equally important to maintain your spiritual health. When done correctly meditation will help you to align your spiritual body, which raises your vibration, helps intuitive development, and puts you in touch with your higher consciousness. Raising your vibration is one the most important things to maintaining spiritual health. While there are other ways to do this, meditation can effectively be used as a focused reminder to help keep your vibration high when you are busy thinking about work, kids, and dinner.

4) Meditation allows you to operate at your most efficient level. 

There have been some extensive studies done on meditation and the most noteworthy finding of these studies seemed to show in the EEG measuring of brain wave patterns. During your waking consciousness, brain waves are random and chaotic. The brain usually operates with different wavelengths from the front to the back of the brain, and from hemisphere to hemisphere. Meditation changes this drastically. Subjects in meditation show increased Alpha waves and these waves continue to increase throughout the duration of the meditation. Also, the front and the back of the brain begin to synchronize as well as the left and the right hemispheres. In other words, the different areas of your brain begin to work together synchronistically! There has been documented research, which shows that the daily practice of meditation creates a more efficient, integrated brain functioning. After a few months, this integration in the brain is not just noticed during the meditation state but during daily activity as well. I can personally attest to this, as it helped me learn how to go into the Alpha state quickly, and at will, for when I do psychic readings.

Here is a meditation exercise I designed to help you work more efficiently with the Universal Laws. I suggest doing some type of meditation at least once a day, I personally recommend for you to do it in the morning if you only have time for one meditation. Morning meditation, I have noticed, definitely sets the tone of your day.

Meditation Exercise

Before you begin, find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You will be using a chair for this meditation, so find a comfortable chair to sit in, then place both feet flat on the floor.

1) Define what it is that you want to achieve in your meditation. This is a very important step whether it is calmness, joy, better health, or happiness; whatever it is that you desire. This is very important because intent is what actually creates things whether it is in the Spiritual or Physical realm.

2) Sit comfortably in a chair or in an upright position in a quiet place.

3) Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Slow your breathing to a relaxed state.

4) When your breathing is rhythmic, concentrate on relaxing all of the muscles in your body.

5) Imagine that your spine is like a string on a musical instrument. Imagine that this string or cord attaches all of your chakras together, from your root chakra to your crown chakra.

6) Visualize this string or cord vibrating. Imagine that you are in control of how fast or slow the vibration is. Next raise this vibration to the highest level of vibration that you can achieve.

7) When you are vibrating at a high level, imagine that you can see a river above your body. Imagine that this river is the river of the Universe. This river of the Universe contains all the Universal energy.

8) Then visualize that you are attaching your energy to the Universal River. When you attach your energy with the Universal River, feel yourself flowing in harmony with the Universal Laws.

9) From that state imagine whatever it is that you desire being attracted to you. Imagine that your desires are coming to you as if you are a human magnet.

10) Remain in this state until you feel a sense of completion, and then release this image into the Universe. 

You should not set a time limit on how long or short your meditation should be, just do what feels right. For many people it will change each day, some days it might be twenty minutes while others it might be two minutes. The consistency of meditation (how many times a week, etcetera) is more important than how long the meditation is. In my opinion, meditation time should be adjusted to fit your own personal needs depending on what is happening in your life at the time.

If you like this you can find more meditation exercises in:
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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Did You Know Your Soul Mate May Not Recongnize You?

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Yes, it’s true…

But before you decide, great you’ve already passed each other like ships in the night, let me help you understand a little more about soul mates.

The word soul mate itself is a little misleading. It has the most romantic feel to it. Think about it…the word itself implies there is a “mate”, or by definition, “one of a matched pair” who you are connected to on a soul level…the deepest level possible.

How amazing! And they are out there wondering around aimlessly until you find them. This is when you begin to panic, and think things like:

How is that ever going to happen?
There are so many people out there!
What if we never meet?
What if we don’t live in the same city, the same state, or the same country!
How do I even know if I will know who they are when and if meet them?
What if so-and-so my soul mate and now I’ve lost them forever?
Even worse, what if I meet them and they don’t recognize me… 

Before you go into panic mode let me explain some things about soul mates:

1) Soul mates are two souls who have a deep spiritual bond and soul history together.  

What that means is at some point in time during your creation you’ve made a spiritual agreement and a commitment to one another to help each other learn, grow and evolve.

2) There is a deep love between soul mates, however, this does not mean your relationship is necessarily romantic.

A soul mate can be a spouse, significant other, family member, child, or even a friend. You can meet during many different life times, and therefore, have a different a relationship with them depending on your agreement during that lifetime. But here’s the kicker.

3) Soul mates don’t always recognize each other.

Even though you’ve made a spiritual agreement to meet up with each other. Every soul still has this little thing called "free will". Because we get to make our own choices, sometimes people veer from their life path or spiritual path, and make bad choices. When you are born into the physical world it can be very disorienting on a spiritual level as you become influenced with outside sources such as family, teachers, and friends.

As people grow up and become older their perspectives begin to shift, focusing more upon material things. They are also introduced to fear and worry by others, and they become afraid of not being happy. They become fearful of not having joy in their life, or of being unfulfilled in some way, that’s when desperation and fear set it. This fear will usually accompany a downward spiral of lowering their vibration and disconnecting further and further from their own spiritual bodies. It's like dominos, one will affect another. They begin to disbelieve anything they can no longer “justify” as real and tangible.

Result: Disconnect from spiritual body = plug into physical body. There’s no longer a balance. 

They become numb to their own spiritual body.

They no longer wish to be in tune with their spiritual body, because of too many conflicting internal desires (soul desires and passions), and physical world improbabilities. So they think. If this happens with a soul mate, since they’re no longer familiar with their spiritual body and how it “feels”, there will be no soul recognition.

If and when your soul mate can maintain a higher vibration of happiness and they are in touch with their internal desires, they maintain spiritual and physical balance.  This is when soul recognition is very present.

So will your soul mate recognize you? It depends. But if they don’t, you were not meant to be. 

In this lifetime…


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